A few blocks from where I am staying was this farm which I watched evening after evening as the locals came by for a visit with the cows, sheep, geese and emu. I decided to go check them out and I met a very sweet cow (did I just say that?) Norman. Norman it turns out is about 10 months old and a little greedy when it comes to being fed. He was so adorable how could anyone resist though? He is featured on the last 2 photos. This was a pretty unique experience for me because A) I'm a city girl and B) This was a real farm. It was so neat to meet the man who owned these guys and chat for awhile. Turns out he raises the animals organically which made me feel good but then the thought of them being eaten made me sad so I skipped thinkin bout that. These guys are just too adorable. I don't think I could ever be a farmer, I'd get too attached. Funny, I'd never known how affectionate cows and sheep could really be until this afternoon. Animals are just so special I guess, each having their own sweet personalities. Oh yeah, the Emu was shy and not interested in my bribes with bread so I don't have any pics of him. At least not digitally. Yes, I shoot film also : ) Old school but I luv it!
Hmm....where do I begin with this story? I think I should be a photographer for a travel & leisure magazine of some sort or perhaps sell postcards on the side? I soooo enjoy photographing each of the unique wineries visited with Artesa being my absolute FAVE in the aesthetic meaning at least. Sadly at times I'm more interested in capturing the locale as opposed to the actual wine tasting but I can always just buy the wine later on no? Anyhow this place was fantastic and extremely visually appealing. It is located in Napa, California and definitely a must see! I'd decided while doing my research up front this was one I wasn't going to miss despite the drive there (bout an hour away). I'm so glad it made my list. I highly recommend anyone visiting the Napa area or simply in Cali for the wine tasting to visit this unique locale. Make sure to take the tour of the facilities as it was a wonderful experience as well : ) By the way, these photos are only "slightly" retouched meaning adjustments to contrast/saturation were slight and no other means to enhance were done. It REALLY is this beautiful! Enjoy~
Today was an AWESOME day. It all started with a trip to the Armstrong Redwoods state park in Guernville. What a beautiful place! I looooooove the woods and had never really experienced these amazing giants. The park was eerily quiet (which was excellent of course) and very picturesque. Photo 2 shows just a hint of their massive size. I didn't get to spend all that much time at the park due to the day's schedule but afterwards I took a trip down to Goat rock beach in Jenner. Of course, everywhere you go there are vineyards and I couldn't resist just one more shot of grapes! I was told this was the best place to watch the sunset so I arrived just in time for "THE sunset". Isn't it beautiful? Yes, I know I couldn't see it either due to all the fog! It was not only insanely foggy but also quite cold 58' for a Floridian is cold, especially in the summer. Anyhow I loved wearing a jacket in August and escaping the Florida heat. The beach was totally empty and well, as you can see, very foggy. I shall have to come back when it's clear as it's actually an amazing sight. The last photo is actually where I'm staying which is the Windsor Worldmark resort, all the comforts of home and definitely recommended. I love the apt style feel of the place.
One of the most popular museums in the San francisco area is the De Young museum and I was super excited when I saw Chihuly had an exhibit here! I have been wanting to view some of his work for sometime. The first 4 images on this post are of his amazing work. I highly recommend checking him out if you ever get the opportunity. Absolutely awesome! The image before last was a chandelier made of SUGAR, what about the ants? And the very last image is actually an outside wall of the actual museum (looking upwards). I am very intrigued and fascinated by sculpture and architecture, it's just sooooo interesting how someone's imagination can create things you'd never imagine. I LOVE art : )
I was really excited about visiting Golden Gate park because there was so much to see and do. Luckily I was staying nearby so it was within walking distance. The weather was perfect, sunny and in the 70's. The Japanese tea garden was very popular and absolutely stunning. The gardens were simply amazing. Also something really incredible happened. To make a long story short my 70-200 2.8 IS lens dropped into one of the ponds and I quickly had a heart attack followed by rescuing it out with my leg, it had been submerged about 75% of the way while in the lens bag. After drying overnight I'm happy to say it's working 100%. Unbelievable! I will have to write Canon and let them know what a phenomenal product they put out. I swear I almost wanted to cry when that happened. You photographers out there know what a sweet lens this is!
This post is actually from a couple days ago as I've been having some connection issues but here goes. Image #1 is my new favorite candy shop, I love how they have the coolest things from when I was a kid (a very long time ago). Images 3 & 4 are of Old Faithful Geyser, the first being just the start of the eruption. It actually went on for quite awhile and I think I got a good 30 or so shots of the whole thing. Just underneath those are the fainting goats (which no longer faint) but the little one did look as if it was falling asleep. Image 6 is of yours truly acting like a fool (just being me) throwing leaves up in the air while at the same time I am warned "ooh, watch out for that tarantula behind you" which was actually not a joke. Of course I got up and shot that as well. Chateau Montelena winery was absolutely gorgeous! A beautiful old castle on gorgeous grounds with a chinese influence from past owners. This was the first winery I visited and what an impression it has left. By the way, the little person in blue is indeed I. The last image is from the town in which I'm staying, very quiet, quaint & cute I felt this image captured the feeling well. Enjoy!
Hello guys, As some of you may know I'm on vacation in California & decided to make my own E-postcards. Spent a couple days in San Francisco and the rest in Windsor/Napa area. Having a wonderful time and very busy with lots of photo opportunities. As promised I'm blogging a few things I've seen so far. Will post more in the days to come so check back soon.
Me in 20 words or less: Love Photography, traveling, dogs, nature, parks, salty ocean water smell, friendly, goofy, silly, dorky & saved the best for last: Chocolate!